Many of our teachers around school are married, but how many of them are married to other teachers in the building?
There’s more at North than you may think.
Three of these couples were kind enough to share a little about their relationships. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it takes to have a successful relationship, or you just want to know a little more about these wonderful couples…then read on.
The Butlers
Two of ENHS’s favorite history teachers, the Butlers, sure do have some history. Mrs. Butler, who teaches AP U.S. History, U.S. History, Military History and Civil and Criminal Law, says she and Mr. Butler met during an Atlantic Slavery history class.
That’s right – our favorite history couple met during a history class!
Mrs. Butler says Mr. Butler was shy when they first met, but their first-ever conversation was actually an argument over looking at primary documents to prove evidence about the Civil War. She says after that, they became friends, and after a year of friendship, they started dating.
Even his first gift to her was history-related: a book of letters exchanged between John and Abigail Adams. Mr. Butler, who teaches World History, AP World History and AP European History, says he gifted her this because “a significant dynamic of the Adams’ relationship was in their friendship, and the letters contained in the book represent just that. I had reached a point where the highlight of my week was time spent with her. Her friendship meant and still means the world to me.”
Their first date started as a group assignment and turned into dinner at Denny’s; it wasn’t only the two of them, but they still count it.
Their first date alone was at Czech Hall in Yukon, where they danced all night.
When asked “What is it like working with your spouse?” Mrs. Butler said, “Working with Mr. Butler is wonderful most days. Since we both teach history and his class feeds into mine later, we get to have the best vertical alignment! There’s also nothing like having a spouse that understands your content and can talk to you about it.”
Their relationship works so well because they always support each other no matter what. Their classes feeding into each other has helped a lot of students feel welcomed into the other’s classes since they do truly hold each other in such high regard.
The Lamberts
The next couple is the Lamberts, and we can actually thank Mrs. Lambert’s sister for this couple because she was the one who introduced them.
They met at Northwestern Oklahoma State University where they were both attending college. They didn’t have any classes together, but Mrs. Lambert’s sister thought they would get along well, and she was right.
Mr. Lambert, who teaches Human Anatomy and Astronomy, said his first impression of Mrs. Lambert was that she looked young despite them being the same age.
Mrs. Lambert, who teaches Algebra 2 and Bridge to Algebra, considers her husband, Coach Lambert, her closest friend. They have the same plan period, so Mrs. Lambert says most days they eat lunch together, and if one of them is having a rough day, they can talk it out during this time, and it usually makes their days a little brighter.
When asked what she thinks the key to a successful relationship is, Mrs. Lambert said, “Communication. It sounds really cliche, but it’s true. Coach Lambert and I are a team in every sense of the word. This applies not only to our professional relationships here at school, but also personal ones.”
Mrs. Lambert has a beautiful outlook on their relationship, and they truly are a team. Both their professional and personal relationships work equally well.
The Bloyds
The Bloyds have a true Edmond North love story since they met at Edmond North!
They actually did not meet in this very building; they met in the old building that is now the counseling center. They met in 2006 when Mrs. Bloyd came to teach here and Mr. Bloyd was already a teacher and a coach.
Mr. Bloyd, who teaches World History and coaches Golf, said his favorite things about his wife are, “…her selflessness…Whether it is family, friends, or even work, she has always put others first.”
Mrs. Bloyd, who teaches Algebra 2, when asked about what a high schooler should know about relationships, spoke about the hard work it takes: “You have to communicate with each other, and if you think it’s always roses and peachy keen, you are wrong…Relationships in general are tough work. Also, you have to learn which battles are truly worth fighting. I have gotten much better, but I will be honest and say I used to argue about everything. No one is perfect, and no relationship is perfect. Talk to each other and choose your battles! Some things just need to be left unfought.”
What Mrs. Bloyd said is the reason their marriage works so well, and it’s something everyone should take into account when getting into a relationship, it’s not going to be all smooth sailing. Mr. Bloyd values his wife’s generosity which helps couples navigate through rough times.
Mrs. Bloyd said she and Mr. Bloyd don’t actually see each other every school day, and even though they are driving to the same place of work, they don’t actually ride together due to their children’s busy schedules.
This is another reason their relationship is as good as it is: they give each other space. They are not constantly together even though they work in the same place. They work as a team for both themselves and their kids while sticking to their boundaries.
Working well together, communicating, and supporting each other are all things we should aspire to in our relationships. Thank you to our teachers who have taught us this and so much more.
Addison Martin • Oct 10, 2023 at 1:11 pm
Very interesting!