Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about what you are thankful for. When the question “what are you thankful for?” is asked, we all typically go to the default answers: family, friends, pets and life’s necessities. But one overlooked answer is our teachers. Teachers get us through some of the hardest years of our lives, and they do not get enough credit for it.
This lack of appreciation especially applies to teachers in our school and across Oklahoma. Oklahoma teachers are paid the 9th lowest salary in all of the US. So, not only are our teachers not getting enough credit for their care and hard work, but they are also not getting paid the salary they deserve.
In an effort to show our teachers how much they mean to us, I asked various students at Edmond North which teacher they are thankful for and why. This way we can highlight a few teachers to show our gratitude. However, we are thankful for all the teachers here at North.
Mrs. Almen nominated by Nadia Lamb
Our first teacher on the list is Mrs. Almen who has been an educator for 7 years. Mrs. Almen teaches English, and Nadia Lamb had her both freshman and junior year.
Lamb states, “Almen cultivates personal positive relationships with each of her students— Her classroom is a safe and welcoming space for all her students, past and present. She’s honestly just the sweetest.”
Mrs. Almen says that she wants her class to be a fun, safe space for students to learn. She has clearly done an excellent job at that.
When asked what impact she wants to have on her students, Mrs. Almen said, “I hope that, at the most basic level, my students know that I care about them and their learning.”
Lamb also said that they enjoy Mrs. Almen’s teaching style because she teaches with empathy and sensitivity. The way Mrs. Almen conducts her class helps students feel calm and comfortable in the classroom showing that she really does care for her students.
Thanks Mrs. Almen for being an amazing teacher and a great all-around person.
Mr. Simpson nominated by Brooklyn Ellis
Mr. Simpson is a teacher who helps in our learning center, and Brooklyn Ellis has known him all four years of high school. Mr. Simpson has worked with Edmond Public Schools since 2004.
Ellis reflects on why Mr. Simpson is meaningful to her: “He is very easy to talk to and will always go out of his way to do anything for me.”
Ellis also says that Mr. Simpson is very positive, helpful and that he always has a smile on his face.
Mr. Simpson said that he tries to be as kind to his students as he can be and that, “If they are having a bad day, maybe my kindness helps them get through it. Compassion goes a long way. When students have concerns, I try to go out of my way to address them rather than just say, ‘I don’t have the solution for that.’ I try to make every student feel important, and I listen. To gain their appreciation in return is not necessary, but very gratifying.”
Mr. Simpson deservingly won the Support Employee of the Year in 2020.
He has not only had an impact on Ellis but also on various other students through his kindness and compassion. He says that he wants his students to remember him as a “kind man who cared,” and it is safe to say that they definitely will.
Thank you Mr. Simpson for always having a positive attitude and lending a helping hand when needed.
Ms. Wishon nominated by Raegan Leach
Ms. Wishon is Ragen Leach’s IA Spanish III teacher this school year and she has been teaching at North for 12 years. Ms. Wishon is known for her effective teaching style and is famous for her crazy dress-up day outfits.
When asked how Ms. Wishon has helped Leach grow as a student, she said, “She has taught me that grades are not everything and it’s okay to make mistakes. She has given me effective study strategies that I will use in the future.”
Leach is thankful for Ms. Wishon because she doesn’t just care about grades—she also cares about her students, and her funny dress-up day outfits are an added bonus!
Ms. Wishon says she is motivated by her positive interactions with her students and that all of her students are super funny—which to her is a motivator in itself.
As a Spanish teacher, Ms. Wishon has one of the most difficult jobs as a teacher since she is teaching most of her students a whole new language.
Wishon says, “Academically, I would love for them to see the value in learning another language, and be excited to be able to interact with people who they previously couldn’t because of knowing that language.”
However, Ms. Wishon not only cares about her students academically, she cares about them personally. She wants all of her students to know that there is someone at school who cares about them and sees them.
Thank you Ms. Wishon for caring about your students no matter what.
Mr. Campbell nominated by Megan Janzen
Last but not least our broadcasting teacher, Mr. Campbell. Mr. Campbell has been Megan Janzen’s teacher all four years of her high school career, and he has been teacher here at North for 6 years.
Janzen said Mr. Campbell has helped her with her mental health and has always provided a safe space for her.
When asked how he has impacted her personally, Janzen said, “In May of my freshman year, my best friend committed suicide. This was an incredibly hard experience for me and going to school immediately after was excruciating. The rest of the year, he went out of his way to help make sure I was doing okay, and if I wasn’t, he would see what he could do to help. This continued into sophomore year and up until now as a senior.”
Mr. Campbell is not only a supportive figure in his students current lives, but he also looks to benefit their future endeavors through his teaching.
Mr. Campbell wants to leave an impact on his students by: “…equipping them with the skills to learn things on their own, not for a grade or because they were told to, but because they genuinely want to get better and see their ideas come to life.”
Mr. Campbell is looking to improve his students as learners and people everyday which is what makes him such an outstanding educator. He continues to push his students to greatness while still being a shoulder to lean on whenever they need it. This year he won the Journalism Education Association Rising Star award for his commitment to his students and their education as a newer educator.
Thank you Mr. Campbell for the positive lasting effect you have on your students and caring for their futures.
All of these teachers have had a positive impact on their students’ lives, and all our thanks goes out to them. However, it is not just these teachers we are thankful for—it is all of them. Our teachers do so much for us and these efforts often go unrecognized. So, if you have a teacher you are extremely thankful for, tell them! Without our teachers we would not be able to grow as people and take on the future. So, thank you to every educator out there who continues to make the world a better place.