To the ‘23–24 Pawprint editors and writers,
What a spectacular start it’s been, for all of us in the newspaper staff! Beginning from nothing, we defied the odds and created an unforgettable publication.
In just 36 short, yet unbearably long weeks, we accomplished so much for such a limited staff. I want to sincerely thank all of my writers as well as my assistant editor, Gitashri Gopalakrishnan, for all of the hard work and passion they put in this past year. Without their efforts, we wouldn’t be where we are as a team.
From our first round in early September, to our last stragglers in May, each story represents us as writers, journalists and students as a whole. I can’t begin to express my gratitude for every article and post we have put out; we’ve truly set the standard.
To next year’s staff and my successor, Tegan Singleton, I wish you work. With dedication and grit, the Pawprint will only improve each year. It will not be easy, and it will eat your time—but it will be worth it.
The people you will reach, the hearts you will touch, and the friends you will make will change your life.
And whether you will be next year’s graduates or incoming freshmen, I have no doubt that the words you will write and the students you will reach will follow you well after you leave these halls.
It has been an amazing year, and next year will be even better.
Go Huskies!