Jada and Jordin Doyle are juniors at Edmond North, who also happen to be twins.
When the twins transferred to Edmond North, they had a hard time adjusting and leaned on each other for support.
For them, being a twin comes with its ups and downs. Some of the good things about being sisters are that they will always trust each other and have an unwavering bond. But as much as people might think they are the same, they have their own unique personalities.
Jada is extremely outgoing and open and able to easily make friends where as Jordin is more reserved and shy. She takes her time to get to know people and open up to them. She then shows what a great friend she is.
Jada and Jordin said that they have played a few pranks by tricking others into talking to the wrong twin. They once switched classes; while the class was in on it, the teachers had no idea, kind of like in the movie “Parent trap.”
The sisters say the best thing about being twins is they have a built-in best friend for life. They have each other’s back and they never judge one another.
If you see the twins around the school, go say hi…if you can tell them apart.