Edmond North prides itself on its competitive and talented instrumental art.
Which one am I talking about?
I can hear you dissing the other one in your head right now. Both ENHS Band and Orchestra have long histories of competition and bitter rivalry. While they occasionally work together for certain performances, students in one organization often have (serious or not) contemptuous feelings toward the other.
Let’s look into the debate and see which one reigns supreme.
Banding Against Orchestra
Band performs several times a year, practicing for several hours a week for both marching season and the standard performances. As the band spends so much time in and outside of class practicing, you would expect some serious commitment.
However, Elora Johnson, senior, says, “I don’t really care about the ‘rivalry’ but band kids annoy me.” Her opinion seems to align more with the orchestra.
But our Drum Major Damien Guo is more diplomatic: “I wouldn’t say band is better than orchestra, . . I would say, band kids do spend more time outside than orchestra kids,” stating, “but at the end of the day, we’re both performing art programs and thus on the same team.”
Obviously band performers tend to have milder opinions, and some even root for orchestra, such as for their style and general pizazz: “I think Orchestra definitely has better buy in with their council planned events,” Damien Guo revealed. Elora Johnson shared that Orchestra has “cooler concerts,” while still having “more exciting things going on.”
Don’t be misled though: band kids have some of the most love for their program. Alex Laird, senior, tells us that band is better because they “do more work” and have a “level of commitment that is way higher than anyone outside of band.” Hot take, honestly.
It seems that the majority of the band appreciates what orchestra has to offer, even if they still prefer their own org’.
Orchestrating Against Band
Performing less often, but not less competitively, the ENHS Orchestra works hard every day for their concerts, even performing for Edmond North theatre productions. Even though orchestra doesn’t have as many competitions to compete in, they are just as zealous. For instance, Chase Crowder, sophomore says, “seeing orchestra compared to band is a night and day difference,” further saying that band isn’t as serious, and that “everyone in band class is a little bit extra.” This seems to be a common sentiment amongst. . . the entire student body. But what would life be without that one extra friend bringing all the drama.
Even though there are heavy contentions, many kids in orchestra still appreciate the band. For instance, Rasheeda Ali, senior, remains that “I love my band baes! . . everyone is so driven.”
In actuality, some aspects of band still impress orchestra kids. For instance, Rasheeda Ali tells us that “the Guard is cool! Orchestra needs our own dance team!”, iterating that “we could incorporate the performance aspects from band.” Further, Chase Crowder says that he “like[s] the band’s pet goldfish.”
Light banter aside, orchestra admires the showstopping band performances, their work ethic, and their antics it seems (a la goldfish?).
Regardless of which side you’re on, cough cough orchestra cough, we all can learn to appreciate every team in our school – because we all shine brighter together.